Saturday, March 21, 2009

Peace passion Jimmy Carter

The Carter Center Peace Programs: Peace With Justice by
The Carter Center's peace programs strengthen freedom and democracy in nations worldwide, securing for people the political and civil rights that are the foundation of just and peaceful societies.
Amid the trend toward greater democracy, The Carter Center has become a pioneer in the field of election observation, monitoring more than 70 national elections to help ensure that the results reflect the will of the people.
Beyond elections, the Center seeks to deepen democracy by nurturing full citizen participation in public policy-making and by helping to establish government institutions that bolster the rule of law, fair administration of justice, access to information, and government transparency.
A culture of respect for human rights is crucial to permanent peace. The Center supports the efforts of human rights activists at the grass roots, while also working to advance national and international human rights laws that uphold the dignity and worth of each individual.

When democracy backslides or formal diplomacy fails, the Center offers mediation expertise and has furthered avenues for peace in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia.
Since 1982, The Carter Center has shown in more than 70 nations that creating a world at peace is a very possible journey, one step at a time.

Our Peace Programs include:
Democracy Program: working to create inclusive democratic societies and empower citizens through election observation, international standards for democratic elections, and activities to strengthen rule of law and access to justice.
Human Rights Program: elevating the voices of human rights defenders internationally, intervening on behalf of victims of human rights abuses, and strengthening international and grass roots systems to advance and protect human rights.

Conflict Resolution Program: monitoring and mediating conflicts, implementing peace agreements, strengthening rule of law and justice, facilitating dialogue to ease tensions, and helping regional organizations build capacity for conflict resolution.
Americas Program: working to improve regional cooperation, prevent crises, and deepen democracy in the Western Hemisphere; helping citizens exercise their political and social rights; and increasing government transparency and citizens' access to information.
China Program: promoting political reform by improving local election practices; sponsoring Web-based forums on elections, self-governance, and access to information; and expanding channels for civic participation in rural villages.
Current peacemaking initiatives touch all corners of the globe and include:
Observation of the December 2008 presidential and parliamentary elections in Ghana
Projects to strengthen rule of law and access to justice in post-conflict Liberia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Efforts to thwart corruption and advance citizen oversight of government in Latin America, Africa, and Asia by supporting access to information laws
Forums to strengthen the voices of human rights defenders worldwide and a push for stronger international protections for human rights through the United Nations
A collaborative project with the United Nations and other election observation groups to develop a methodology for observing electronic voting worldwide and develop standards for democratic elections
Creating avenues for dialogue about border issues to improve relations between Ecuador and Colombia.
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